Motiejūnaitė, J., Brackel W. v., Stoncius D. & Preiksa Z. 2011. Contribution to the Lithuanian flora of lichens and allied fungi. III [Papildomi duomenys apie Lietuvos kerpiu ir su jomis susijusiu grybu flora. III]. – Botanica Lithuanica 17(1): 39–46.


A list of 13 species of lichens and 12 species of lichenicolous fungi from Lithuania is presented. New to the Baltic states are Arthonia molendoi, Caloplaca flavocitrina, C. phlogina, Diederichia pseudeverniae, Phoma ficuzzae, P. foliaceiphila, Scoliciosporum gallurae, Strangospora deplanata, Vezdaea acicularis and Wentiomyces lichenicola; new to Lithuania are Bachmanniomyces uncialicola, Bacidia pycnidiata, Cladonia monomorpha, Clypeococcum cetrariae, Lecania cuprea, Leptogium rivulare, Libertiella curvispora, Opegrapha vermicellifera, Polycoccum pulvinatum, Porpidia soredizodes, Scoliciosporum sarothamni, Thelocarpon epibolum, Trichonectria anisospora, Vouauxiomyces ramalinae. The teleomorph of Scutula dedicata is recorded for the first time in the country.